As an affiliate member of NMSSA, leagues are responsible for the following:

  1. All members of NMSSA shall be registered annually. This includes tournament players. Membership expires 1 year from the date of registration.
  2. Leagues shall register their members in one of the following ways:
    – The website at that is synced directly to the USASA and US Soccer database. This means, no more data lists and no more payment collections from your league. Player payments and data goes directly to the appropriate parties.
    – Collect payments through your league and turn in the data list and payment quarterly to NMSSA. These dates are predetermined by USASA. The league will need to turn in both on the following dates: January – March (April 10th), April – June (July 10th), July-September (October 10th), October – December (January 10th). This is to ensure that the data can be compiled and organized in the proper format for USASA and to guarantee that the money is deposited in time. Data will be turned into the Secretary and payment will be delivered to our Treasurer.
  3. Abide by any USSF and USASA policies as set forth in their respective bylaws. These will be provided to your league annually, in addition to, any updates throughout the year that are released by USSF and USASA.
  4. Provide a copy of the league’s current Board of Directors, Rules & Regulations, and Bylaws/Amendments to NMSSA annually, which shall be sent and filed with the Secretary.
  5. Provide a copy of the league’s playing schedule to NMSSA by the start of the current season. This shall be sent and filed with the Secretary of NMSSA.
  6. Provide a copy of a player’s registration date and personal information in the event an insurance claim is submitted to USASA. (If the player is registered through the website, NMSSA has the information needed to verify their membership.) In the event, members are registered outside of the state website, the following pieces of information are needed to verify membership for insurance purposes: *Name, *DOB, *mailing address, *registration date, *gender, and *email address. *These are USASA requirements for validating insurance claims. This information shall be sent to the Secretary of NMSSA.
  7. Safe Sport Certification – All Board Members of leagues that allow players under the age of 18 must provide a copy of their Safe Sport Certificate to NMSSA annually. In addition, any team that has a player under the age of 18 must complete Safe Sport Training. This means that ALL players registered to that team must be Safe Sport Certified, not just the team representative or coach. This is a US Soccer policy. These certificates will be filed with the Rules and Regulations Chair and the Secretary of NMSSA.

Here at NMSSA, we are here to support and provide resources for our leagues and look forward to working together towards growing and fostering soccer in adult amateur soccer. We hope that you have a clear direction from NMSSA as we solidify our Board of Directors and move towards implementing our processes and procedures. If there are any specific or further questions, please feel free to reach out at any time.